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Lightning Chats
Wide Open Space: How to build trust, community and audience in rural America
Reporters from national, statewide and local news organizations discuss their approach to covering large areas of rural America in this lightning chat moderated by the leaders of Radically Rural’s journalism track, Emily Lytle and Jack Rooney.
Think Before You Post: How to build trust — and avoid parachuting — in online communities
Our panel of digital culture experts explains what extractive reporting looks like in online spaces, how to avoid it, and how you can leverage relationships with moderators and creators to authentically tell stories.
Beyond the Feed: Exploring Alternative Digital Platforms for Audience Engagement
with their audiences. This panel discussion, “Beyond the Feed,” dives into the innovative use of alternative platforms such as newsletters, WeChat, WhatsApp, and more.
Unlocking Collaboration: A Deep Dive into the Collaborative Toolkit
Dive into the intricacies of the newly published Collaboration Toolkit, a groundbreaking online resource developed by INN and RJI. Bridget Thoreson led us through the toolkit’s features, including its innovative searchable database, customizable templates, and project management resources.
Collaboration for Sustainability: Insights from Colorado’s News Innovators
In this engaging Lightning Chat moderated by guest curator Silvia Solis, we spotlight successes and lessons learned from collaborative-minded news organizations and local newsrooms in Colorado.
Your place in engagement journalism: a conversation with Sue Robinson
In this Lightning Chat, Sebastián Auyanet hosted a conversation with Sue Robinson about the four emergent roles she sees for journalists in the future: relationship builder, community collaborator, conversation facilitator and professional network builder.
Engaging Audiences, Battling Misinformation: The Social Media Dilemma for News Outlets
In this Lightning Chat, we discussed the challenges posed to journalists by the platforms and strategies for how newsrooms can think differently about serving their audiences online.
Why project management is key to your success — even if it’s not in your job title
In this Lighting Chat, the panel of experts identify and talk about all the ways in which you’re probably project managing — even if it’s not in your job title — and learn tools and best practices to support your work.
Navigating the changing landscape of social media and news
With the changing landscape of social media and the new emergence of platforms, news organizations are trying to figure out what works best for them and where to invest their resources.
The (undervalued) power of rituals: A framework to build intentional communities around Journalism
Rituals are the superglue of communities in most cultures. In a time when Journalism is reimagining its relationship with the communities it serves, rituals can be a useful referent.
Rethinking Journalism Education from the Ground Up
What if we could start building journalism education from scratch, what would we include, why and how would we include it? This Lightning Chat is a practical “let’s build it together” conversation.