
A guide to practicing care in journalism
The guide “Taking Care” by jesikah maria ross emphasizes the importance of practicing care in journalism, offering practical tips and insights for creating impactful and healing storytelling.
Gather is a project + platform to support community-minded journalists and other engagement professionals. Our mission: make journalism more responsive to the public’s needs and more inclusive of the public’s voices and diversity, by helping journalists, educators, and students who share these values find each other, find resources and best practices, and find support and mentorship. Learn more about Gather.
The guide “Taking Care” by jesikah maria ross emphasizes the importance of practicing care in journalism, offering practical tips and insights for creating impactful and healing storytelling.
To support the thousands of new immigrants arriving in New York City, Documented adopted a people-centered approach to reporting, providing vital information on housing, food, and legal aid through Spanish-language WhatsApp and website services.
Ted Conover, John Pendygraft, and Gillian Tett, all accomplished in integrating anthropology into their award-winning reporting, discussed the intersections between anthropology and journalism and how ethnography could enhance news reporting.
“Gather has absolutely validated my career path, taught me the language to talk about the work, gives me connections in a world where it feels like there’s no set path, and challenges how I show up in the communities & organizations in which I serve.”
“Gather folks really care about journalism, telling stories and looking for different ways to reach people in their communities with the information they want and need. I want to make a difference in creating relationships with people outside our audience.”
“I’m on Gather to learn, grow, share ideas, and collaborate with others who work in the audience-focused space! Learning from people at other organizations has been incredibly helpful for crafting our strategy.”